Leveraging Online Video for Affiliate Programs #AMDays

I’m live blogging the second day of the Affiliate Management Days conference (#AMDays) and am listening to a session by John Greathouse of Rincon Venture Partners on Leveraging Online Video for Affiliate Programs. Here are my notes from the session:
Online video marketing is maturing. YouTube – more views, longer views, more reviews.
- Advertisers can’t efficiently gain access to large audiences alongside high quality content
- Influences can only produce one or two 3-minute videos per week. Can’t invest in production / marketing
- Big Frame, Maker and MAChiniama.com are media companies that provide marketing an production resources for YouTube influencers, and creates video advertising that’s targeted.
- Networks for video tracking are forming
- Talent is Being Professionalized
- Ads are moving beyond pre-rolls and translucent banners to videos before videos. (i.e.: Day DeStorm / Ryobi / Home Depot)
How does this relate to affiliate marketing?
- Clickable video ads offer publishers a new revenue stream
- Generates product interest
- Moves you beyond last click tracking
Tools to note to help with video expansion and monetization (which are supported by some affiliate networks noted below):
Mevio – shareasale / impact radius / buyat
Jetcast – shareasale / impact radius / buy at
YuMe – shareasale / impact radius / buyat
Bottom line from this session: there are tools available today that affiliates can use to track clicks through links on videos, and there are some networks already working to support this. Start testing and playing with this to see what success there is, and focus on YouTube for your tests because that’s where the users and tools are focusing. For more info on video marketing visit www.infoChachkie.com.