Facebook Mobile User Acquisition Best Practices
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Attending the HasOffers Postback event – the following post is a summary of my main takeaways. On this panel were Steven Yarger of Trulia, Sambou akalou of Nanigans, Jesse Pujju of Ampush, David Serfaty of Adotomi and Mandy Majchrzak of SHIFT.
Facebook Mobile User Acquisition Best Practices:
- Facebook drives one of the highest ROAS out there. Divide your Facebook Campaigns into three categories:
- Creative
- Targeting
- Optimization
- With Facebook Graph-Search it will add a level of localized advertising and relevancy that didn’t exist before.
- Location ads will likely come into the spin of things as well, like Groupon based on your roaming location. For example if you’re in Seattle visiting a friend but live in NY, it will show you ads specific to businesses around your Seattle location based on where you physically are.
- Focus most on metrics that product true ROI and CPA’s for Facebook and social measurements.
- 219 Million active users per month are on Facebook using mobile to access it, so think about that when you’re promoting through this channel.
- 95% of the mobile industry relies on click tracking – Impression and Install are also feasible tracking methods.
- Post click and post impression attribution tracking can be done at the moment with Facebook Analytics and your own tools.
- Side Comment: Interaction Television will come into play with Facebook in the future, which will have to compete agains Twitter’s #Hashtags as a leader in social TV. However the panel was unclear as to how this would work through TV, aside from the potential customization and real time TV show sharing with your friends on OpenGraph. TV retargeting is also becoming possible where someone is watching TV and on Twitter at the same time, tweets something, then gets hit with an ad from an advertiser that was running a campaign for that TV show at the same time.
- The power of Open Graph will come when people will start sharing their information and being susceptible to true transparency, which will come.
- It’s still just the beginning for Facebook and it’s not going anywhere anytime soon.
- Facebook works. Use it. Test it. Optimize it. Enjoy ROI.