The Last Day of My Last Child’s Childhood: A Reflection

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Today is my daughter’s last day as a child. Tomorrow, she turns 13, stepping into the world of adolescence, and our home will be filled with two teenagers navigating life in a time more complex and demanding than ever imagined.

As parents, my husband and I have always strived to lead by example. She’s watched us build businesses, win awards, and travel the world – but she’s also seen the struggles. The demands of family, work, and friendships, the weight of leadership, providing for others and the constant balance and struggle for mental health have been part of our story. She’s grown up understanding that success is not linear. It’s a journey with many twists, turns, and moments of doubt. The financial stress in our early years, managing relationships at work and in family, and building resilience – she’s seen it all – and she’s been beside us every step of the way.

And now, as she stands at the edge of her teenage years, she faces challenges that we could not have imagined when we were her age. Social media pressures and pace of life, wars, a pandemic, global warming, political and economic turmoil – the world feels heavier. And yet, with all this complexity, she has shown incredible grace. But no one is immune to these pressures. Navigating friendships, hormones, school, and her own sense of identity as a young woman in this world is something she will have to do – just as we all had to find our way.

As her mother, I reflect on these years with a mixture of pride, hope, and a hint of fear. I wonder, have we done enough? Have we given her the tools to be stronger, happier, and more capable than we were, especially in this world that continues to become more challenging? Watching her become a young woman, I feel a deep sense of awe at the person she is becoming, but I am also reminded of the complexities that will shape her future.

She has seen that life is a balancing act – between passion and duty, between work and family, between ambition and self-care. I hope that she understands this delicate balance and that she will approach life with the confidence to follow her own path, whatever that may be.

In her journey, she will experience moments of joy, pride, and success – just as we have. But there will also be moments of hardship, doubt, and fear. And I hope she remembers what we’ve always tried to show her: that no challenge is insurmountable, and with love, perseverance, and a deep belief in oneself, and of course, with the right group of people around you, victory is always possible.

I do believe the future is bright, and though today marks the end of her childhood, it is also the first day of a new chapter. I hope she faces it with strength, with the knowledge that she is loved deeply, supported always, and never alone in this journey. I hope she knows that life will challenge her, but that she has already learned what it means to rise above adversity. She has lived the lessons of resilience, empathy, and growth, and I know she will take these with her into the next chapter of her life.

To other parents reading this, raising children in todays world – let’s remember that we are not only shaping lives but also leaving a legacy. Our kids are watching how we handle both success and struggle. They are learning from our mistakes, celebrating our victories, and internalizing the strength we show. We may not always get it right, but as long as we show up, as long as we continue to grow and adapt, put in the effort and show that we care, we give them the greatest gift: the belief that they too can overcome whatever life throws their way.

So, as my daughter crosses this threshold into her teenage years, my hope for her is simple: that she embraces the strength she’s been raised with, that she carries her family’s love as armour, and that she lives a life filled with purpose, peace, and joy. As we all know, that isn’t easy. Life isn’t easy – but with determination, support, and the courage to keep going, it’s a beautiful journey if one chooses to keep going.

To the next chapter, my dear girl. We love you, we believe in you, and we will always be here, cheering you on. As Cinderella’s mother one said, live your life with courage and kindness.

My Final Thoughts:

  • Embrace the hardships as much as the victories – they shape who you are.
  • Believe in yourself, even when the world feels heavy. You are incredible.
  • Balance is key, as best as you can – between ambition and peace, work and life.
  • You are never alone – love and support are always with you, even in the hardest of times.

To everyone reading this: as we guide the next generation through a world filled with challenges, let’s remind them- and ourselves – that hope, strength, and perseverance will light the way. Every ending is also a new beginning. Here’s to the incredible journey ahead.