6 Tips to Rock it with ShareASale This Year

After receiving an update from my amazing account manager at ShareaSale, I wanted to share with you a couple of new tools they’ve introduced that may be helpful to you now and in the new year, as well as some life hacks that might make things a bit easier for you moving forward.
They are:
1. The ability to schedule new or update banners in the Creative inventory. You will now see an “Or Schedule for Later” button when you go to upload a creative or edit a creative. YAY! This is an awesome one for anyone who’s ever been up at 4am PST getting ready to post some banners for a busy sales day.
2. There is a new tool to add in the ability to apply rules to certain affiliate applications by state. What this means is if you are a merchant who has nexus concerns outside of California, for example, and you have a specific affidavit or form that you’s would like the affiliate to comply with work with the program, you can now do so.
- The form that the affiliate agrees to and digitally signs can be easily found by navigating to the Your Affiliate List>Links>Download Affiliate Contact Information and importing the document into Excel
3. ShareaSale now let’s you request to enable a privacy waiver for affiliates. Enabling this function allows affiliates to share their contact information with you. Yes it’s true! This is great for you because they can share their email address, physical address, etc. with you so you can build closer relationships with them. Double YAY!
4. If you have not already done so, check out the affiliate storefronts, because it is a tool that can be used with nontraditional affiliates who may not have their own websites.
5. Did you know there is the ability to pre-approve affiliates to a program and also expedite their approval to the ShareaSale network (generally cuts at least a day from the process) by using this link? Yay again!
6. Lastly, this month especially, its recommended that you consider increasing your account deposits. ShareaSale noted they have found a lot more programs going offline over the last week (great for sales) but it can often frustrate affiliates. Don’t let that be you!
AND A BONUS TIP! If you haven’t used it already, be sure to check out ShareaSale WIKI!
Hopefully these tips have been helpful as you push to the end of this year and into a new quarter, and as always feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have.